
Wednesday Drawing Class: MATERIAL LIST

Drawing Paper 18 X 24" pad

Newsprint 18 X 24" pad

Drawing Board
Board should be big enough to accommodate your paper ( 25 X 30 for example). 
Board can be a piece of plywood or masonite from the lumberyard or purchased from
art supply store (i.e. Hobby Lobby)

Sketchbook 9 X 12" or LARGER

Drawing Pencils: 6B, 4B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H, 6H

Charcoal Pencils: Soft, Medium and Hard

Vine Charcoal

Erasers: Assorted * (kneaded rubber, pencil, soft, pink pearl)

Ink Pens 

Razor Blade or X-Acto Knife for sharpening pencils

A good size tackle box works great for carrying your supplies.

These supplies can be found at Hobby Lobby and Michael's or MSUB Bookstore.
A student can get good prices by shopping online at: www.amazon.comwww.dickblick.comwww.utrecht.comwww.danielsmith.com